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                                 Duties as a Committeeperson

These are just suggestions and recommendations; you don’t have to do all these duties.

Committee people serve as the liaison between their neighbors, the Republican party, and elected government officials in Philly. The core of this job is getting out the vote on election day. But this role can—and should be—so much more than that. Committee people are the bridge between voters and government. This role can be big or small, depending on the person and the division. But the potential for making this role meaningful and impactful cannot be overstated.

Canvass the neighborhood (division) to get to know your all neighbors and get their contact information for easy communication. Make sure they have all your contact info!!
Lit drops (campaign literature) door to door for candidates.
Recruit and train volunteers.
Work on Election Day, handing out candidate literature (sample ballots).
Maintain a file on all candidates and elected officials.
Inform people of neighborhood issues and meetings.
Join a civic association and attend the meetings.
Inform voters on who is running for office each year.
Conduct voter registration drives.
Welcome new residents to the community.
Service all people, not just republicans.
Get the voters out to vote.
Inform voters when and where to vote.
Find out who needs absentee (mail in) ballots.
Help find poll workers: outside and inside- election board workers.
Transport voters to the polls.
Listen to constituents all year long, help neighbors or direct them in the right direction with problems, concerns, and needs they have not pertained to politics. (Taxes, utilities, streets lights, potholes, drug homes etc…………………
Assist in keeping your neighborhood safe, clean. Respectable and united.
Help neighbors with small issues, connecting them with government and community services.